Saturday, January 11, 2014

Allergy Update

So we did it, we got Eli scratch tested for allergies to see if he's growing out of anything.   The answer is...maybe.  :)
We get to challenge one at a time wheat and soy and in 4 weeks we go back to the doctor to try egg!  What a change this would be for the little man!
He still reacted very strongly to milk, and pretty strong to beef and peanut. 
So yesterday, we started trying to introduce small portions of soy to his diet, and I guess I've been too good at keeping soy away.  It's been hard trying to find things with soy in them that I think he'll eat!  :)
We've done an Italian salad dressing, which he ate on almost everything yesterday.  Frozen french fries that are made with oil that may contain soy, and cooked with vegetable oil yesterday.  So far so good.  This weekend we will keep up with the little things: soy as the 3rd or less ingredient is ideal according to the allergist, but next week I want to try soy milk to see!
Once we're done with the soy, and hopefully have no reaction we can start trying some gluten/wheat and see how that goes!

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