This post about cheating, because I kind of did that last night and today. Last night I ate about 7 cheez-it crackers. Totally not on my diet but so salty and yummy! Today, I didn't feel like following my workout calender and running on the treadmill- with my muscles so sore from the new workout and the little cold I have brewing it wouldn't be fun at all. So instead Eli and I took a bike ride (probably more work though because going against the wind with his buggy was a lot of resistance).
Were these things going against the plan? Yes. Was it "cheating"? Yes. But I think I need a better word and so does everyone else with a fitness and diet program.
There's a difference between creating a new lifestyle and killing yourself for results. Are those 7 cheez-it crackers going to make a difference? No. Did I stop at 7? Yes. if this is you, give yourself a break. Moderation was the key for me for maintaining my weight loss and extreme moderate is the key to this challenge. Having a plan is key for being able to get results but be flexible.
Are you too tired today to do a full workout? If you have the Advocare DVDs you can do the core stretch workout which is pretty easy and feel okay that you did something. The next time you're pumped up- make yourself do an extra 10 minutes on the treadmill or whatever.
When you eat food you shouldn't- workout extra to burn off the calories.
Losing weight is essentially an in and out process- you take calories in, you burn them off. You don't burn off then you don't loose. You take in more than you burn you gain. Simple. Keep it simple and know those high carb, sweet, salty, fatty yummy foods work against you because it takes more burning to get it off. Is it worth it for the extra 10 minutes on the treadmill to burn it? As long as the answer is yes and you're going to do the work, just eat whatever you're dying for! That said, if you are going the Advocare Cleanse you probably shouldn't eat much fatty foods or you might be spending extra bathroom time ;)
Not sure what new word I'm going to use, but I think I'm going to take cheating out of my vocabulary!
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