Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Grad school done!

I'm done!  In two weeks, I will walk across a stage to get a piece of paper that says I'm awesome!  (okay, maybe that's a little exaggeration, but hey, I lived through it and that should count for something!)
So my goals now that school is done: get a job in Florida, move there, live happily ever after.  Not so hard, right?  Hmmm, I better pray some more for this.  :)
So Eli is being his awesome complicated health self.  We can do soy and egg now, but we went to the dentist and he has some congenital tooth decay- meaning some of the baby teeth didn't form right in his gums and he'll have to have some fillings since these baby teeth will be in his mouth for about 8 more years.  Ugg.  We also will be getting several warts removed because they are spreading and annoying.  Yet another traumatic experience for me at least, probably him too. 
In exercise world, I'm getting back on the band wagon with a free month at the YMCA.  Last week I went to Yoga, Step Class, Cycling and Tighten and Tone (TNT) class.  Lyle and I also went together on Saturday and did some cardio and weights.  I was majorly sore, but oh it was great!
This week, I have done a Zumba class so far, and tonight I will do Cycling again.  Tomorrow will be TNT and Friday another Yoga.  It's a nice change up from just the treadmill and will hopefully turn my muscles into lean, mean fat burning machines!  Plus I'm using my Catalyst from Advocare! This will protect these new muscles and help burn the fat off!  Lyle has been helping me figure out what lifting/strength stuff to do to tighten and tone my muscles without bulking up. 
Oh!  And the best thing about last week!  I showed Lyle up on one workout thing that I could do and he couldn't!  Boom!  (never mind he could do A LOT that I couldn't, I don't remember that part...  ;)  ) 

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