Thursday, May 3, 2012

AdvoCare Products/ continued weight loss

So it’s been awhile, but   I’ve been trying to recover from my finals.  I passed my classes, one with an “A” and one with a “B”.  The “B” is weird for me because I’ve always been one to excel, but it was a very difficult class for myself and my family (because of my moods!) so I’m glad it’s over and I can look back and said I learned from it.
My latest weight loss measurements from Monday are:  down two more lbs for a total of 14!  Hips are down a half an inch, waist line stayed the same.  So not too shabby.  I’m hoping I can keep busy enough that I’m not tempted to snack and exercise even more without school work happening and keep the weight loss going through the summer. 
One test for me was yesterday baking cookies for a bake sale my mom is having for Relay for Life.  I did eat one cookie, but that was it!  So I feel I did good and it was my cheat for the day.  My friend Ty is distributor so  if you're interested in the products please order through her!  Also, make sure if you choose to do this to follow the diet exactly or else your gut won’t forgive you (think multiple bathroom stops!)  If you want the diet, product list with price or other info e-mail me and I'll e-mail it to you.  I was going to post it but it won't work without a lot of jibberish mixed in!
My distributor site:
(you may need to copy & paste the link)> go to "Shop Now"
> go to "Benefit" on left hand side, "Weight Loss"
> you will order online, using a CC, super-easy!

No new recipes at this time, I’m considering after a few weeks of summer going to the library to get some ideas for low fat/low sodium/Eli friendly recipes to try!  So maybe in June after vacation!

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